An opportunity for young specialists to work in the ministry of finance of the Republic of Artsakh.
Emphasizing the importance of reinforcement of the system by professional and young personnel with new way of thinking in June and July the ministry of finance organized interview and training to attract specialists for a job in the system. 52 applicants presented applications for participation in interview. By the results of interview and training 12 applicants with the best results were invited to work in the tax system on contract basis. Today the minister of finance Artur Harutyunyan had a meeting with them. Congratulating newly appointed workers first of all the minister assigned current tasks of the system and plans for the future and emphasized the significance and the necessity of specialists being able to work and to give effective solutions of present-day problems. “Today the economic reputation of our country and the effectiveness of reforms mostly depends on your work. Tax system must be a safe structure for business inspiring taxpayers themselves to calculate and pay taxes ”-stressed the minister in his speech and wish good luck to newly appointed workers.